So am in germany...finally :)
The travel wasnt that good since my first flight 2 Prague got delayed for 3 hours bcz of snow and my flight from Prague 2 Hamburg got delayed from 7am until 9pm :S
But alhamdulillah the airline gave me a hotel room which was really great.
And inthe end i reached hamburg safe
Now am here since some days and i already visited my granddad and the rest of the time i spend with my mum.
its pretty cold here.
When i reached it was snowing and about - 5 degree celsius
Now the snow melted and its 1 degree celsius which is still cold compared to the 20 we had in cairo.The next days ill just spend shopping the things i cant get in egypt and of course being with my family.
Inshallah my uncle an his wife n son gonna visit us from denmark and ill visit my aunt 2.
I have 4 uncles and 7 aunts but we sadly dont have contact 2 all of them so ill just see the ones that r close 2 us.
I wont see my dad but ill write him a letter again even though he never answers my letters :(
I wish u all a happy new year
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Cold again..
I dont know why am doing this 2 myself :)
Am sick, got a bad cold again..its my own fault as i didnt cover myself well and fast enough after taking a shower ( and i hear this from my husband over n over again *sigh*)
Still i cant stay in bed an dtake rest as i should, well i could but my mind doesnt let me.
I just cooked 4 dinner, made a cake, cleaned up the kitchen and bathroom and washed clothes. Now i feel really exhausted, the way i would never feel if i wasnt ill and doing this stuff.
But i simply feel guilty if my husband comes home into a dirty house where no food is ready at all.
I have 2 admit i didnt made the cake just 4 my husband :)
I really want some chocolate and i hope it will make me hungry as these days i dont wanna eat at all. Im just not hungry and food make me feel like running away. Even things i love, i just cant seem 2 enjoy eating :(
I just pray it doesnt harm my baby that i dont eat so much these days.
Ill find out in some days inshallah when ill see a doctor. Since i decided 2 change the doctor my family in law is deciding a new doctor ( i simply dont know any doctors here). But the doctor they choose is kinda busy and he or she could only give me a date on saturday, so i hope it gonna work out and ill see the baby on the sonar again :)
Now when am lucky they might find out if its a girl or a boy *crossing fingers*
I still wish 4 a girl but i stopped making dua 4 that.As my husband wants a boy and everyone else wants a girl ill try 2 be not caring about the gender and i only make dua that the baby is strong, healthy and 2 be a good muslim..inshallah
The other thing i make dua 4 every single day is that my mum converts 2 islam.
Any of u who have non muslim parents? and did u try 2 show them islam?
Am sick, got a bad cold again..its my own fault as i didnt cover myself well and fast enough after taking a shower ( and i hear this from my husband over n over again *sigh*)
Still i cant stay in bed an dtake rest as i should, well i could but my mind doesnt let me.
I just cooked 4 dinner, made a cake, cleaned up the kitchen and bathroom and washed clothes. Now i feel really exhausted, the way i would never feel if i wasnt ill and doing this stuff.
But i simply feel guilty if my husband comes home into a dirty house where no food is ready at all.
I have 2 admit i didnt made the cake just 4 my husband :)
I really want some chocolate and i hope it will make me hungry as these days i dont wanna eat at all. Im just not hungry and food make me feel like running away. Even things i love, i just cant seem 2 enjoy eating :(
I just pray it doesnt harm my baby that i dont eat so much these days.
Ill find out in some days inshallah when ill see a doctor. Since i decided 2 change the doctor my family in law is deciding a new doctor ( i simply dont know any doctors here). But the doctor they choose is kinda busy and he or she could only give me a date on saturday, so i hope it gonna work out and ill see the baby on the sonar again :)
Now when am lucky they might find out if its a girl or a boy *crossing fingers*
I still wish 4 a girl but i stopped making dua 4 that.As my husband wants a boy and everyone else wants a girl ill try 2 be not caring about the gender and i only make dua that the baby is strong, healthy and 2 be a good muslim..inshallah
The other thing i make dua 4 every single day is that my mum converts 2 islam.
Any of u who have non muslim parents? and did u try 2 show them islam?
Saturday, December 5, 2009
the invitation
Yesterday we have been invited 2 the aunt of my husband and her family.
Shes really a great person, so kind and lovable and so is her family.
The dinner was nice even though my husband told them i like meat which was simply a lie and he knows it. That kinda made me in some trouble as they expected me 2 eat the fish and meat.
Anyway stil it was a nice evening and aunt zezo even gave us some presents :)
After this we went shopping in downtown which was as usual chaotic but alhamdulillah i found some shoes i can wear in germany and a new bag (much needed)
It was such a great day and am kinda sad that now its over and we r back in reality :S
4 me i concentrate on going germany and buying some presents 4 my family and of course on the baby which is 11 weeks now :)
Shes really a great person, so kind and lovable and so is her family.
The dinner was nice even though my husband told them i like meat which was simply a lie and he knows it. That kinda made me in some trouble as they expected me 2 eat the fish and meat.
Anyway stil it was a nice evening and aunt zezo even gave us some presents :)
After this we went shopping in downtown which was as usual chaotic but alhamdulillah i found some shoes i can wear in germany and a new bag (much needed)
It was such a great day and am kinda sad that now its over and we r back in reality :S
4 me i concentrate on going germany and buying some presents 4 my family and of course on the baby which is 11 weeks now :)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Am going 2 germany :)
I just booked he flight which will be on the 21st of december and ill be back on the 1st january :)
Am so happy :)
The flight will be with czech airline, i never used this one be4 but inshallah it will be good.
Now i gotta start buying some little presents 4 my family and get ready 2 visit my home ( still consider it home :S)
Am so happy :)
The flight will be with czech airline, i never used this one be4 but inshallah it will be good.
Now i gotta start buying some little presents 4 my family and get ready 2 visit my home ( still consider it home :S)
Monday, November 23, 2009
soo bored
Am so bored
Husband is at work n brother in law sleeps in his room ( at least i guess he sleeps)
I finished cleaning n cooking n listend some islamic lessons
N now?
Its dark n cold outside n still got no tv or books *sigh*
Life can be really boring like this
Husband is at work n brother in law sleeps in his room ( at least i guess he sleeps)
I finished cleaning n cooking n listend some islamic lessons
N now?
Its dark n cold outside n still got no tv or books *sigh*
Life can be really boring like this
human behaviour
Sunday, November 22, 2009
AM sorry that i change the Name so my Blog so much but i just cant seem 2 find a name that satisfy me :S
What u think of the new one?
What u think of the new one?
AM sorry that i change the Name so my Blog so much but i just cant seem 2 find a name that satisfy me :S
What u think of the new one?
What u think of the new one?
Since 2 days we have a Guest in our House, the brother of my Husband.
He recently got no own Home and lived by his parents but appearently cant handle him in his current situation and they have problems on their own 2.
My Brother in law lost his wife and baby about 1,5 years ago in a car accident after that he lost some fingers of the right hand which still making problems as it doesnt heal well.
Am glad he is here with us and i hope he will recover faster with us as he will have less stress here inshallah.
Plz make Duas 4 him he really needs it
He recently got no own Home and lived by his parents but appearently cant handle him in his current situation and they have problems on their own 2.
My Brother in law lost his wife and baby about 1,5 years ago in a car accident after that he lost some fingers of the right hand which still making problems as it doesnt heal well.
Am glad he is here with us and i hope he will recover faster with us as he will have less stress here inshallah.
Plz make Duas 4 him he really needs it
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Yesterday weve been 2 carrefour ( a big shopping center with everything 4 the house like food, plates, glasses n even clothes)
As ususal we spend quite a long time there even we wanted 2 buy just some food n some plates, all in all we were 2,5 hours there.
After all of this my back was acking n i got a big headache, but at least i found the ice cream i was craving 4 so long :)
I dont know if carrefour is the only one who sells sundays ( the ice cream) here?
We also bought fish filet, but i just discovered i have no idea how 2 make a meal out of that. I mean r the fish bones still in that filet or do i have 2 remove them?
Im just totally clueless about this, which mkaes me feel stupid as i think its common knowledge, isnt it?
So i gotta wait 4 my husband 2 come home and explain me how 2 do it ( i hope he knows)
Otherwise my Life isnt quite what i expected, always when we go out 2 enjoy ourself ( even if its just going 2 carrefour) we get a call from someone from his family about a new drama.
i know its not their choice that their life is going bad and they propably suffer more from it than me. But i just wish this would end, i cant take it that everyday new bad news and my husband in stress, tention n bad mood from it.It has an bad effect on us as it makes us argue 2..
We cant enjoy a new marriage life as its supposed 2 be, no going out just having some fun..
Its bugging me a lot and its bugging me more tha we cant do anything against it bcz the peope who do the trouble ( father in law, mother in law and 1 brother in law) dont even think about changing their ways and they dont care what they do 2 others with thier behaviour. The rest of the family has 2 suffer 4 their childish behaviour :S
Alhamdulllah my family isnt doing any stress on us.
But i wonder how can i bring a kid into this family?
i dont want my kid 2 be in this chaos and problems :(
As ususal we spend quite a long time there even we wanted 2 buy just some food n some plates, all in all we were 2,5 hours there.
After all of this my back was acking n i got a big headache, but at least i found the ice cream i was craving 4 so long :)
I dont know if carrefour is the only one who sells sundays ( the ice cream) here?
We also bought fish filet, but i just discovered i have no idea how 2 make a meal out of that. I mean r the fish bones still in that filet or do i have 2 remove them?
Im just totally clueless about this, which mkaes me feel stupid as i think its common knowledge, isnt it?
So i gotta wait 4 my husband 2 come home and explain me how 2 do it ( i hope he knows)
Otherwise my Life isnt quite what i expected, always when we go out 2 enjoy ourself ( even if its just going 2 carrefour) we get a call from someone from his family about a new drama.
i know its not their choice that their life is going bad and they propably suffer more from it than me. But i just wish this would end, i cant take it that everyday new bad news and my husband in stress, tention n bad mood from it.It has an bad effect on us as it makes us argue 2..
We cant enjoy a new marriage life as its supposed 2 be, no going out just having some fun..
Its bugging me a lot and its bugging me more tha we cant do anything against it bcz the peope who do the trouble ( father in law, mother in law and 1 brother in law) dont even think about changing their ways and they dont care what they do 2 others with thier behaviour. The rest of the family has 2 suffer 4 their childish behaviour :S
Alhamdulllah my family isnt doing any stress on us.
But i wonder how can i bring a kid into this family?
i dont want my kid 2 be in this chaos and problems :(
Monday, November 16, 2009
Our new Flat :)
Finally we moved 2 our rented Flat in Obour city :)
It feels more home han the plac in 6th october city.
he rooms here are white and so is the ground, its clean and neat and it makes me feel a lot better than be4.
We just got a kitchen til now and a couch + some carpets.
So we still need a lot of things like the bed and plates 4 the kitchen but inshallah we will handle this soon.
Am just over the moon 2 finally have made the move :)
It feels more home han the plac in 6th october city.
he rooms here are white and so is the ground, its clean and neat and it makes me feel a lot better than be4.
We just got a kitchen til now and a couch + some carpets.
So we still need a lot of things like the bed and plates 4 the kitchen but inshallah we will handle this soon.
Am just over the moon 2 finally have made the move :)
Egypt vs Algeria
Am not really into Football anymore though i have been wheni was 16 or so
But i guess no one in Egypt could have ignored this match :)
I have 2 say i supported also Algeria n i dont get why everone supports egypt ( i mean the non egyptian ones)
But well when Egypt won hell break free on the streets. I have seen things like this only when germany was near 2 win the world cup :)
The people had quite a lot of fun on the streets, dancing, celebrating and stoping cars.
I even saw a guy walking on a bus which was really weird.
Id be scared if i habged out of the car like a lot of guys did that night.
And my husband was annoyed that it took us 3,5 hours instead of 1,5 to get from downtown to october.
I gues we should have listend 2 our landlord and stayed home :)
But it was intresting being in the middle of it and alhamdulillah nothing bad happend to the car ( or us :P)
But i guess no one in Egypt could have ignored this match :)
I have 2 say i supported also Algeria n i dont get why everone supports egypt ( i mean the non egyptian ones)
But well when Egypt won hell break free on the streets. I have seen things like this only when germany was near 2 win the world cup :)
The people had quite a lot of fun on the streets, dancing, celebrating and stoping cars.
I even saw a guy walking on a bus which was really weird.
Id be scared if i habged out of the car like a lot of guys did that night.
And my husband was annoyed that it took us 3,5 hours instead of 1,5 to get from downtown to october.
I gues we should have listend 2 our landlord and stayed home :)
But it was intresting being in the middle of it and alhamdulillah nothing bad happend to the car ( or us :P)
Monday, November 9, 2009
the pregnancy
I mentioned this topic be4 but decided 2 delay it until am sure everything is ok.
So i went 2 the doctor yesterday ( be4 all the drama) and she said all is fine.
Shes a nice old lady wearing niqb but i got some issues with her.
First her sonar is really old and gives not so good images
she doesnt take any blood or urine test..sint she supposed 2?
And the main thing is, she talks always 2 my husband in arabic expalining him what i should do..
Hello? iam the one who is pregnant so why does she tell my husband that i shouldnt wear high heels..why she doesnt tell me directly? ( she can speak english well)
I guess ill change the doctor as i cant relate 2 her when she doesnt tell me everything and doesnt make the tests that i expect from a good doctor.
Am in week 8 now and morning sickness got me well.
I feel so sick some days i just wanna stay n bed.
It feels like u ate something very bad and ur stomach goes crazy :S
I hope it goes away soon as im week 8 now and they say it leaves in week 12 inshallah
Anyone got tips against it?
So i went 2 the doctor yesterday ( be4 all the drama) and she said all is fine.
Shes a nice old lady wearing niqb but i got some issues with her.
First her sonar is really old and gives not so good images
she doesnt take any blood or urine test..sint she supposed 2?
And the main thing is, she talks always 2 my husband in arabic expalining him what i should do..
Hello? iam the one who is pregnant so why does she tell my husband that i shouldnt wear high heels..why she doesnt tell me directly? ( she can speak english well)
I guess ill change the doctor as i cant relate 2 her when she doesnt tell me everything and doesnt make the tests that i expect from a good doctor.
Am in week 8 now and morning sickness got me well.
I feel so sick some days i just wanna stay n bed.
It feels like u ate something very bad and ur stomach goes crazy :S
I hope it goes away soon as im week 8 now and they say it leaves in week 12 inshallah
Anyone got tips against it?
I have been pretty busy the last days and not always in a good way. A lot of things happend that were good and some that were very bad.
Last night there was a family meeting bcz of some issues between my mother in law n father in law. Well things got really bad and my husband got so stressed that he had a breakdown after was scary i can tell
I really thought it will turn out bad..but alhamdulillah he got better after just 1 hour
But ill never 4get this in my whole life, 2 see the person i love and the one whos spposed 2 take care of u (and ur kids) not recognizing anyone in the family and not able 2 breath.
I pray 2 Allah it will never happen again as its terrible and it made me not able 2 sleep all night cause of the worry he might fall into this again..
Alhamdulillah its ok now.
So we gonna move 2 the flat 2morrow inshallah and im gonna post some pics when its done :)
Last night there was a family meeting bcz of some issues between my mother in law n father in law. Well things got really bad and my husband got so stressed that he had a breakdown after was scary i can tell
I really thought it will turn out bad..but alhamdulillah he got better after just 1 hour
But ill never 4get this in my whole life, 2 see the person i love and the one whos spposed 2 take care of u (and ur kids) not recognizing anyone in the family and not able 2 breath.
I pray 2 Allah it will never happen again as its terrible and it made me not able 2 sleep all night cause of the worry he might fall into this again..
Alhamdulillah its ok now.
So we gonna move 2 the flat 2morrow inshallah and im gonna post some pics when its done :)
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Furniture hunt part 2
First i gotta say i removed some posts and ill talk about the topic again after some weeks when i know more, but no bad news :)
We still loking 4 furniture, though we fund some nice ones it seems it never works out.
Ther last few beds we liked would take lot of time 2 be delivered 2 us or are bad qulity. So now we ordered one from tawheed ( big mall everywhere in egypt)
Inshallah it will be done on thursday. We orderes a bed, closet, kitchen n couch.
i doubt it gonna work, but i hope it will, as new problems appeared.
We signed a renting contract 4 a house 1 month ago n we still didnt move there, so now the landlord gave us 1 week 2 move in otherwise the gas n water will not be instaled :S
I wish we can move there soon as i dont lke 2 be here all time anyway..
2nd thing am trying 2 get is a kitten. Shouldnt be so hard, but my husband wants it 2 be from the vet and this vet is just lazy ( downst seem he really wanna sell cats)
Inshallah 2night we gonna go 2 a new petshop in here 2 see what they got, if i dont find what am looking 4 ill propbaly have 2 relay onthe vet again.
We also gonna go 2 buy carpets 4 the house inshallah, as there is a shop with 50% discount here atm.
We still loking 4 furniture, though we fund some nice ones it seems it never works out.
Ther last few beds we liked would take lot of time 2 be delivered 2 us or are bad qulity. So now we ordered one from tawheed ( big mall everywhere in egypt)
Inshallah it will be done on thursday. We orderes a bed, closet, kitchen n couch.
i doubt it gonna work, but i hope it will, as new problems appeared.
We signed a renting contract 4 a house 1 month ago n we still didnt move there, so now the landlord gave us 1 week 2 move in otherwise the gas n water will not be instaled :S
I wish we can move there soon as i dont lke 2 be here all time anyway..
2nd thing am trying 2 get is a kitten. Shouldnt be so hard, but my husband wants it 2 be from the vet and this vet is just lazy ( downst seem he really wanna sell cats)
Inshallah 2night we gonna go 2 a new petshop in here 2 see what they got, if i dont find what am looking 4 ill propbaly have 2 relay onthe vet again.
We also gonna go 2 buy carpets 4 the house inshallah, as there is a shop with 50% discount here atm.
impressions of life in cairo
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Iam exhausted even though i slept 8 hours i still feel tired and wanna go back 2 sleep
and its all bcz of yesterday
Yesterday we went 2 downtown, mohndesin and some other places 2 search 4 some nice decent furniture and it took us 12 hours :S
Still didnt really find anything..The things i like arent acceptable ( says my husband) bcz its made of mdc n not pure wood.
And everything else looks like france in 18th century
Somehow like this just with more fake gold and flowers on it :(

Its like impossible 2 find simple elegant furniture here. I found some couches id accept but we need a bedroom first.
Though the couch i fel in love with coasts 25000 pound and is way 2 expensive, so we not gonna get that pretty one :S
This is some kinda bedrooms id love 2 have

Why isnt there a Ikea in here????
and its all bcz of yesterday
Yesterday we went 2 downtown, mohndesin and some other places 2 search 4 some nice decent furniture and it took us 12 hours :S
Still didnt really find anything..The things i like arent acceptable ( says my husband) bcz its made of mdc n not pure wood.
And everything else looks like france in 18th century
Somehow like this just with more fake gold and flowers on it :(

Its like impossible 2 find simple elegant furniture here. I found some couches id accept but we need a bedroom first.
Though the couch i fel in love with coasts 25000 pound and is way 2 expensive, so we not gonna get that pretty one :S
This is some kinda bedrooms id love 2 have

Why isnt there a Ikea in here????
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Is this Winter?
4 my taste its 2 warm 2 be Winter...even 4 Egypt
I could me being wrong if my egyptian husband wouldnt say the same all the time, complaining about the warm weather when it actually shouldnt be so hot.
As all arabs( ok 99%) he loves cold weather which includes snow, rain and freezing temperatures..stuff not really existing here except the rain sometimes.
I dont really know what 2 blog these days as Life just goes on and things dont get further.
Still didnt had the marriage party 2 let his complete family know he married a european
Didnt moved back 2 Obour as we didnt find a good flat with furniture, that means we still stay in the apartment above his parents one and beside his brothers apartment.
Currently his Parents, younger sister and 1 brother are in another house so its quiet here.
Just me and my husband, my husbands brothers down.And of course the one beside us with his wife n child which is 1,5 years old.
So not too much action for now.
Lets see what future ill bring :)
I could me being wrong if my egyptian husband wouldnt say the same all the time, complaining about the warm weather when it actually shouldnt be so hot.
As all arabs( ok 99%) he loves cold weather which includes snow, rain and freezing temperatures..stuff not really existing here except the rain sometimes.
I dont really know what 2 blog these days as Life just goes on and things dont get further.
Still didnt had the marriage party 2 let his complete family know he married a european
Didnt moved back 2 Obour as we didnt find a good flat with furniture, that means we still stay in the apartment above his parents one and beside his brothers apartment.
Currently his Parents, younger sister and 1 brother are in another house so its quiet here.
Just me and my husband, my husbands brothers down.And of course the one beside us with his wife n child which is 1,5 years old.
So not too much action for now.
Lets see what future ill bring :)
Monday, October 12, 2009
pancakes in masr
I doubt that egyptians know pancakes, at least i never saw them here at all
I have 2 admit i never made pancakes be4 ( at least not sucessfully), i always let my mum do i 4 me :)
But i googled a recipe 4 them 2day and alhamdulillah it worked out. Tastes even same as my mums pancake.
Anyway was just a test if it works so ill make them another day 4 my huby and family in law inshallah
So yummy i ate 2of them right now 4 lunch ( n breakfast cause i left it)
I have 2 admit i never made pancakes be4 ( at least not sucessfully), i always let my mum do i 4 me :)
But i googled a recipe 4 them 2day and alhamdulillah it worked out. Tastes even same as my mums pancake.
Anyway was just a test if it works so ill make them another day 4 my huby and family in law inshallah
So yummy i ate 2of them right now 4 lunch ( n breakfast cause i left it)
Sunday, October 11, 2009
The Good vs. The Bad
The Good vs. The Bad
Ok im thinking about the positiv and negative sites of living here in cairo now so i thought it be intresting 2 make a list :P
The Good ( always start with the good ;)
- Abayas - u can get them everywhere in any style and much cheaper than in europe!
- The people - dont know why but ppl here r more welcoming and nicer
- Freedom in Islam - well its easier to live islam here than in a small city in germany where ppl think ur a terorist if u wear abaya or just hijab
- Prices - Stuff here is simply cheaper ( except cars)
- Lifestyle - (not sure if thats good) ppl here take things easier..u r 2 hours late so what?
i dont really like it but its helpfull some times. like we can go n vacation 2 alexandria now without asing the work for holidays 3 months be4 it
- Arabic - learning arabic here is simply easier and so it can help u 2 learn reading quran 2
- Mosques and Adhan - everywhere,always available
- Renting flats here is waiting 3 months 2 finish a contract..u can get a new flat in 1 day and leave it in 1 week if u wanna?
The Bad ( had 2 come right?)
- Cleaniness..does it exist? dont think so!
- the sanitary is mostly every flat
- street cats n sorry 4 them
- the it winter, really???
- The food... 2 much meat, 2 much fat... instead of water always pepsi, 7up,...
cant think of more now,maybe ill add more later
Ok im thinking about the positiv and negative sites of living here in cairo now so i thought it be intresting 2 make a list :P
The Good ( always start with the good ;)
- Abayas - u can get them everywhere in any style and much cheaper than in europe!
- The people - dont know why but ppl here r more welcoming and nicer
- Freedom in Islam - well its easier to live islam here than in a small city in germany where ppl think ur a terorist if u wear abaya or just hijab
- Prices - Stuff here is simply cheaper ( except cars)
- Lifestyle - (not sure if thats good) ppl here take things easier..u r 2 hours late so what?
i dont really like it but its helpfull some times. like we can go n vacation 2 alexandria now without asing the work for holidays 3 months be4 it
- Arabic - learning arabic here is simply easier and so it can help u 2 learn reading quran 2
- Mosques and Adhan - everywhere,always available
- Renting flats here is waiting 3 months 2 finish a contract..u can get a new flat in 1 day and leave it in 1 week if u wanna?
The Bad ( had 2 come right?)
- Cleaniness..does it exist? dont think so!
- the sanitary is mostly every flat
- street cats n sorry 4 them
- the it winter, really???
- The food... 2 much meat, 2 much fat... instead of water always pepsi, 7up,...
cant think of more now,maybe ill add more later
impressions of cairo
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
m bored
husband is late 2day and am soo bored
any suggestions on what 2 do?
got no tv or anything n mother in law+ sister in law arent here :S
I finished all books n its dark and i cant go out...BORING
I wish my husband comes home right now
any suggestions on what 2 do?
got no tv or anything n mother in law+ sister in law arent here :S
I finished all books n its dark and i cant go out...BORING
I wish my husband comes home right now
rat on the roof :S
2day was quite boring day, i went 2 sleep late last night so i got up at about 11 am.
The only things i did after waking up is eating break fast, washing clothes, some cleaning n cooking.
And going up on the roof ....Bad idea
I just went there to get some sun and fresh air. usually i dont go there bcz its never been finished so its full of sand and looks ugly up there..and because my husband told me there r animals and i should take the dog with me when i go up.
Well the dog has been sleeping somewhere so i went alone.
I just had 2 see the pigeons who r set in a tiny cottage( u call it like this?) up there.
I wonder why we have them as no one cares 4 them n no one needs them
Anyway when i looked in the cottage i saw a huge rat climbing up the wall :S
It was disgusting, i can tell u..
I think from now on ill be realy more carefull 2 close the windows at night so they cant come in.
Still we didint got the stuff that protect the windows,everywhere ( how u call it that keeps flies n so on out?)
Now am waiting 4 my husband 2 come home so we can go 2 get our stuff from somewhere else and than come back..will be a 2 hour drive there n back 2 hours :S
The only things i did after waking up is eating break fast, washing clothes, some cleaning n cooking.
And going up on the roof ....Bad idea
I just went there to get some sun and fresh air. usually i dont go there bcz its never been finished so its full of sand and looks ugly up there..and because my husband told me there r animals and i should take the dog with me when i go up.
Well the dog has been sleeping somewhere so i went alone.
I just had 2 see the pigeons who r set in a tiny cottage( u call it like this?) up there.
I wonder why we have them as no one cares 4 them n no one needs them
Anyway when i looked in the cottage i saw a huge rat climbing up the wall :S
It was disgusting, i can tell u..
I think from now on ill be realy more carefull 2 close the windows at night so they cant come in.
Still we didint got the stuff that protect the windows,everywhere ( how u call it that keeps flies n so on out?)
Now am waiting 4 my husband 2 come home so we can go 2 get our stuff from somewhere else and than come back..will be a 2 hour drive there n back 2 hours :S
Monday, October 5, 2009
Cat in Obour
I made this pic right in front of our building in obour, i just love her colours..
Alhamdulillah the weather is getting better now in cairo, its not 2 hot anymore and even getting cold outside at night.
My cooking skills still didnt reach the level that i want and my mummy still didnt acess inet so we could talk easier :S
Inshallah it gonna work soon..
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Cooking at 3am
U think thats s trange thing 2 do?
So do i....but i couldnt sleep anyway and when i thought of having oats again 2 suhor i decided 2 cook something real.
The last iftar and suhor i ate only oats with raisins n milk and it gets kinda boring even i do love this food.
Anyway i decided 2 cook some red lentils with carrots..also known as Daal (in india) or Aads (in egypt)
it was quite tasty. It would have been even better if i had some plain yogurt at home or the energy 2 produce some chapati (indian bread), but my energy level wasnt high enough 2 do this 2.
Am really tired, its 4.25am here now and i havent slept all night bcz of several reasons
- nervous..ill go egypt on wednsday and this makes me a nervous case per exelance ( ahh grammar)
- thunderstorm..really its so loud outside, the rain and the thunder just wouldntlet me sleep and the lightning does the rest
- i got used 2 it ( thx 2 my fiance who made me used 2 stay awake all night 2 talk :P)
- i just thought its useless 2 sleep like 2 hours be4 fajr
So Fajr will be in 20 min inshallah and i hope i can sleep after it and still not get up 2 late bcz im going 2 meet my mum ( i need 2 use the time left 4 us 2 meet :S)
But maybe am not going 2 sleep as my fiance just rang me 2 come online 2 talk and i miss him..its been less than 24 hours since we talked but truly i miss his voice
Is this what u call Love?

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Am drinking Karkady
So Google told me its a deep-red infusion of hibiscus flowers..i got 2 know it in alexandria in a cafe in khalid ibn waleed street ( 2 much information?)
See here how to make karkady urself
I like it and i heard its supposed 2 give u energy..and i truly do need some extra energy!
Fasting didnt went so well 2day, i felt dehydrated n dizzy 4 quite a while and after iftar now i feel worse, maybe it has another reason..
3 Days left til my plane takes off and iam soo nervous
Lot of things going through my mind
want an example?
My mum, My fiance, papers, packing, flight times, airport, weather, heat, new apartment, family in law, marriage, ramadan, fasting, learning new surahs
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
1 week *omg*
In 1 week at this time ill be in cairo
So am really getting nervous, my mum said am so calm but seriously inside me am shaking :)
I have so many thoughts about this, so many worrys.
In 1 week at this time im going 2 marry, even when i write this words i cant really believe it and its so surreal 4 me.
Its been just way 2 many times in the last 12 months that ive been in this situation ( except marriage)
Ive been traveling so much and changing flats. Everytime am nervous and til now everytime the travel went good ( more or less)
But i just hope his gonna be the last time 4 me to travel alone for a long time bcz am tired of it.
I went from germany 2 cairo, from cairo 2 alex ( changed the flat in alex) went back 2 germany, went 2 uk n back 2 germany
N now ill go back 2 cairo :)
So much happend in the last 12 months and it changed me a lot * alhmadulillah*
I hope Ramadan is going well 4 all of u and u r all happy :)
So am really getting nervous, my mum said am so calm but seriously inside me am shaking :)
I have so many thoughts about this, so many worrys.
In 1 week at this time im going 2 marry, even when i write this words i cant really believe it and its so surreal 4 me.
Its been just way 2 many times in the last 12 months that ive been in this situation ( except marriage)
Ive been traveling so much and changing flats. Everytime am nervous and til now everytime the travel went good ( more or less)
But i just hope his gonna be the last time 4 me to travel alone for a long time bcz am tired of it.
I went from germany 2 cairo, from cairo 2 alex ( changed the flat in alex) went back 2 germany, went 2 uk n back 2 germany
N now ill go back 2 cairo :)
So much happend in the last 12 months and it changed me a lot * alhmadulillah*
I hope Ramadan is going well 4 all of u and u r all happy :)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Trust..ya its an issue 4 me
Its hard 4 me 2 trust ppl in any condition
I got to this topic while thinking of my fiance..i know i should trust him bcz he didnt do anything 2 not be trusted
But still when i see which ppl he socialised with ( well be4 me, dntknow if still)
am not so sure about this topic.
I dont really want my husband 2 socialise with ppl like that and especially not with girls like that..ok i dont know them but ya pictures do say a lot about u sometimes..
I deleted every guy which i had contact 2 ( except 1) and i dont socialise with guys now anymore..i just hope he does the same
He didnt delted every female on his facébook for example, i didnt asked him 2 but i expect him 2 do it ( maybe not right now but at least soon)
Id like 2 delete my facebook account but in the same time its keeping me connected 2 all the great girls ive got 2 know over the last 1,5 years.
Well ill decide about that after i marryd.
I just feel so insecure a lot of times..
Like why did he choose me? i know he can have girls more pretty or maybe more intelligent or a girl which has same nationality and language like he does. So why he choose me?
I know this sounds like being sorry 4 myself, but i just feel really insecure about this in these days. Inshallah it gets better after being married
( it does, doesnt it?)
Its hard 4 me 2 trust ppl in any condition
I got to this topic while thinking of my fiance..i know i should trust him bcz he didnt do anything 2 not be trusted
But still when i see which ppl he socialised with ( well be4 me, dntknow if still)
am not so sure about this topic.
I dont really want my husband 2 socialise with ppl like that and especially not with girls like that..ok i dont know them but ya pictures do say a lot about u sometimes..
I deleted every guy which i had contact 2 ( except 1) and i dont socialise with guys now anymore..i just hope he does the same
He didnt delted every female on his facébook for example, i didnt asked him 2 but i expect him 2 do it ( maybe not right now but at least soon)
Id like 2 delete my facebook account but in the same time its keeping me connected 2 all the great girls ive got 2 know over the last 1,5 years.
Well ill decide about that after i marryd.
I just feel so insecure a lot of times..
Like why did he choose me? i know he can have girls more pretty or maybe more intelligent or a girl which has same nationality and language like he does. So why he choose me?
I know this sounds like being sorry 4 myself, but i just feel really insecure about this in these days. Inshallah it gets better after being married
( it does, doesnt it?)
Monday, August 24, 2009
Hows the fasting going with u so far?
4 me its going pretty well, except that i have headache 2day bcz the weather turned warm again. Hot at daytime n freezing cold at night isnt a good combination 4 me.
Anyway i dont miss the food over the day but i do miss the water as a lot.
Its here 20 min left til maghrib and am not feeling as if i didnt eat all day.
I also dont eat so much 4 iftar or sahour, mostly anything with milk like milkshakes or oats with milk n raisins.
Today i finally got the watermelon i wanted the last days, so inshallah ill eat this 4 2days iftar 2 :)
I read an artice about "Virtues of fasting in summer’s heat" in the Saudi gazette ( my fav online news) and i liked this little story which was inthe article: Al-Hajjaj was on a journey between Makkah and Madina. He pulled out his dinner and invited a bedouin to eat with him, and the bedouin said: “I have been invited by One who is better than you and I have accepted the invitation.” He asked: “And who is this?” The man replied: “Allah invited me to fast, and I fasted"
Al-Hajjaj asked: “On this very hot day?” The man replied: “Yes. I am fasting it in anticipation of a much hotter day.” Al-Hajjaj said: “So, eat today and fast tomorrow.”
The man replied: “Only if you can guarantee that I will live until tomorrow.” Al-Hajjaj said: “This isn’t in my hands.” The man said: “How can you ask me to do something now when there is something of the future that isn’t in your hands?”
4 me its going pretty well, except that i have headache 2day bcz the weather turned warm again. Hot at daytime n freezing cold at night isnt a good combination 4 me.
Anyway i dont miss the food over the day but i do miss the water as a lot.
Its here 20 min left til maghrib and am not feeling as if i didnt eat all day.
I also dont eat so much 4 iftar or sahour, mostly anything with milk like milkshakes or oats with milk n raisins.
Today i finally got the watermelon i wanted the last days, so inshallah ill eat this 4 2days iftar 2 :)
I read an artice about "Virtues of fasting in summer’s heat" in the Saudi gazette ( my fav online news) and i liked this little story which was inthe article: Al-Hajjaj was on a journey between Makkah and Madina. He pulled out his dinner and invited a bedouin to eat with him, and the bedouin said: “I have been invited by One who is better than you and I have accepted the invitation.” He asked: “And who is this?” The man replied: “Allah invited me to fast, and I fasted"
Al-Hajjaj asked: “On this very hot day?” The man replied: “Yes. I am fasting it in anticipation of a much hotter day.” Al-Hajjaj said: “So, eat today and fast tomorrow.”
The man replied: “Only if you can guarantee that I will live until tomorrow.” Al-Hajjaj said: “This isn’t in my hands.” The man said: “How can you ask me to do something now when there is something of the future that isn’t in your hands?”
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Hamburger anyone?
Iam craving 4 a hamburger from Mc Doanlds :S
Dont really know how this happend that i want 2 eat something like that.
It might seem normal, but not according 2 the fact am a vegetarian and didnt eat a hamburger since i was about 9 years ( thats 13 years ago)
i literally could taste it this morning ( but no i didnt ate it)
I can totally remember the taste of it, and it surprises me since i didnt ever think about eating something like this ever again.
But im thinking 2 eat chicken n fish again. Thats gonna be a hard quest 4 me but i think ill try it sooner or later.
I just have to get this pics out of my head, of how they kill this animals
( i think ive seen way 2 much PETA clips :S)
Any of u vegetarian?
Dont really know how this happend that i want 2 eat something like that.
It might seem normal, but not according 2 the fact am a vegetarian and didnt eat a hamburger since i was about 9 years ( thats 13 years ago)
i literally could taste it this morning ( but no i didnt ate it)
I can totally remember the taste of it, and it surprises me since i didnt ever think about eating something like this ever again.
But im thinking 2 eat chicken n fish again. Thats gonna be a hard quest 4 me but i think ill try it sooner or later.
I just have to get this pics out of my head, of how they kill this animals
( i think ive seen way 2 much PETA clips :S)
Any of u vegetarian?
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Salah at-Tarawih
I dont know so much about this topic as the last times i did ramadan i didnt do this so much. But as iam into trying 2 do more effort this year i tryd 2 find more information about it.
Shaikh Ibn Uthaimin said: "Salah at night during Ramadan has benefits and merits not found in other times. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: 'Whoever makes night prayer during Ramadan, with Eman and hoping for reward from Allah, all his previous sins are forgiven. ' [Agreed upon]Night prayer during Ramadan is inclusive of salah in the early as well as late part of the night. For this reason, Tarawih is part of night prayer during Ramadan. It is necessary to seek it, to protect it, and to hope for reward from Allah because of it. It is only during a limited number of nights, so the intelligent believer takes advantage of the opportunity before it is lost."
I wish i were married n could pray with my husband instead of being alone :S
Spending Ramadan alone is just not the same as spending it surrounded by other muslims.
In 2006 i spend half Ramadan in Pakistan. it wasnt such an event as in other countrys but still better than in germany.
The whole Family (10 persons) used 2 get up and eat 2gether before fajr.
sadly we never prayed there 2gether, thats was quite something which suprised me when i came there. Whenever i meet any other muslimas here in germany we pray 2gether so i couldnt believe in pakistan they just prayed each one alone not even calling the others 4 prayers ( azhan excluded)
Inshallah i will post some pictures i made in pakistan later.
So again wishing u all a rewardfull ramadan
Shaikh Ibn Uthaimin said: "Salah at night during Ramadan has benefits and merits not found in other times. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: 'Whoever makes night prayer during Ramadan, with Eman and hoping for reward from Allah, all his previous sins are forgiven. ' [Agreed upon]Night prayer during Ramadan is inclusive of salah in the early as well as late part of the night. For this reason, Tarawih is part of night prayer during Ramadan. It is necessary to seek it, to protect it, and to hope for reward from Allah because of it. It is only during a limited number of nights, so the intelligent believer takes advantage of the opportunity before it is lost."
I wish i were married n could pray with my husband instead of being alone :S
Spending Ramadan alone is just not the same as spending it surrounded by other muslims.
In 2006 i spend half Ramadan in Pakistan. it wasnt such an event as in other countrys but still better than in germany.
The whole Family (10 persons) used 2 get up and eat 2gether before fajr.
sadly we never prayed there 2gether, thats was quite something which suprised me when i came there. Whenever i meet any other muslimas here in germany we pray 2gether so i couldnt believe in pakistan they just prayed each one alone not even calling the others 4 prayers ( azhan excluded)
Inshallah i will post some pictures i made in pakistan later.
So again wishing u all a rewardfull ramadan
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Advice needed
Im thinking a lot about this the last few weeks
and id love 2 hear what u think about it or what u would advice me.
I converted 2 islam more than 4 years ago, but am the only muslim in my family ( and ya i have a big family)
I wish my mum would accept islam but til now i failed 2 give her the right image of islam.
I gave her a cd of a great german preacher and i gave her a book written by a german konvert.Didnt left much impressions on her.
I carefully tryd 2 ask her about whats her thoughts of what happens after death.
And she said she doesnt think we get any punishment after death, but we might be reborn into a better or lower position( life form) depending on how we lived this life.
Its hard 4 me 2 talk 2 her straight away about my beliefs bcz she doesnt show any intrest and its just not like that in my family.
Like when i started 2 wear hijab, no one commented on it..not one word
They didnt even gave me strange looks or asked why iam wearing it.
i know it sounds stange but thats how my family acts like.
So can u give me any advice how 2 introduce my mum more 2 islam?
any nice storys 2 tell her 2 show her its the right way?
It would be so much more easy if she could talk english or use internet so i cold just send her lots of stuff and am sure she would sooner or later read it.
there r not so much good books in german which r 4 non muslims 2 understand islam :S
and id love 2 hear what u think about it or what u would advice me.
I converted 2 islam more than 4 years ago, but am the only muslim in my family ( and ya i have a big family)
I wish my mum would accept islam but til now i failed 2 give her the right image of islam.
I gave her a cd of a great german preacher and i gave her a book written by a german konvert.Didnt left much impressions on her.
I carefully tryd 2 ask her about whats her thoughts of what happens after death.
And she said she doesnt think we get any punishment after death, but we might be reborn into a better or lower position( life form) depending on how we lived this life.
Its hard 4 me 2 talk 2 her straight away about my beliefs bcz she doesnt show any intrest and its just not like that in my family.
Like when i started 2 wear hijab, no one commented on it..not one word
They didnt even gave me strange looks or asked why iam wearing it.
i know it sounds stange but thats how my family acts like.
So can u give me any advice how 2 introduce my mum more 2 islam?
any nice storys 2 tell her 2 show her its the right way?
It would be so much more easy if she could talk english or use internet so i cold just send her lots of stuff and am sure she would sooner or later read it.
there r not so much good books in german which r 4 non muslims 2 understand islam :S
Am i still in germany?
I really wonder whats going on with weather these days
1 week ago i was freezing n it turned so cold
and 2day is one of the hottest days of the year its above 35 grad here
I liked the colder weather and still counting on rain 2night
Would be helpfull in fasting 2 if it isnt so warm.
When do u start fasting?
2morrow, saturday or sunday?
Ill watch out 4 the moon but doubt that ill be able 2 see anything bcz of clouds coming up atm.
The turkish in here will start 2 fast 2morrow while the arabic in germany start on saturday.
Every year the same discussion..
Inshallah first day of Ramadan will be on saturday
I saw a woman crying when she saw this clip, its a good reminder 4 the start of ramadan
i adore baba ali, he has such a great and uncomplicated way..just wish my mummy could understand english :(
1 week ago i was freezing n it turned so cold
and 2day is one of the hottest days of the year its above 35 grad here
I liked the colder weather and still counting on rain 2night
Would be helpfull in fasting 2 if it isnt so warm.
When do u start fasting?
2morrow, saturday or sunday?
Ill watch out 4 the moon but doubt that ill be able 2 see anything bcz of clouds coming up atm.
The turkish in here will start 2 fast 2morrow while the arabic in germany start on saturday.
Every year the same discussion..
Inshallah first day of Ramadan will be on saturday
I saw a woman crying when she saw this clip, its a good reminder 4 the start of ramadan
i adore baba ali, he has such a great and uncomplicated way..just wish my mummy could understand english :(
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
And i opend my eyes..
Iam living in germany for quite a long time, I just lived out of germany for about 2 years of my life and this might be the reason am so blinf to whats going on here.
I mean the daily things which seem so normal and not special, but if u watch closly u will discover its really bad.
What i mean?
Ok ill give an example.
Im watching tv every day a bit, mostly just 1 show and some news.
i also see the advertisement even i dont give it much of attention.
So 2day i wasnt focusing on the adverts like always and i saw one advert which i have seen be4. But suddenly i just realized what i saw and what it means 4 my society.
It was an advert 4 cheating
U dont belive me?
Am serious..
It advert 4 an agency which helps ppl 2 cheat there partners 2 find someone else 4 a one-night-stand or a lil affair.
I saw this one many times be4 but just didnt give it much of a thought.
but now as i think of it i cant belive it.
Do we see this every day witout being shocked, what happend 2 this society?
I mean 50 years before this would have been a huge scandal and now..nothing.
I dont think this would happen in arabic countrys that theres an advert 2 find affairs or one-night-stands. Not that arab countrys r best or soo innocent but when it comes 2 this they r still some more natural than we are in europe.
Natural= marriage, no cheating, no haram dating, just 1 on 1 relationships ( leaving out 4 now the polygamy)
After living here long time we close our eyes 2 the bad things happening around us.
we dont even recognize the girls who wear nearly nothing, The mums smoking and drinking while puching a bggy and all the other haram stuff around us which doesnt even gets dissapproved by our society anymore.
how i wish i could go back in time when our morals where more clean and the social life was keeping u away from sins.
I mean the daily things which seem so normal and not special, but if u watch closly u will discover its really bad.
What i mean?
Ok ill give an example.
Im watching tv every day a bit, mostly just 1 show and some news.
i also see the advertisement even i dont give it much of attention.
So 2day i wasnt focusing on the adverts like always and i saw one advert which i have seen be4. But suddenly i just realized what i saw and what it means 4 my society.
It was an advert 4 cheating
U dont belive me?
Am serious..
It advert 4 an agency which helps ppl 2 cheat there partners 2 find someone else 4 a one-night-stand or a lil affair.
I saw this one many times be4 but just didnt give it much of a thought.
but now as i think of it i cant belive it.
Do we see this every day witout being shocked, what happend 2 this society?
I mean 50 years before this would have been a huge scandal and now..nothing.
I dont think this would happen in arabic countrys that theres an advert 2 find affairs or one-night-stands. Not that arab countrys r best or soo innocent but when it comes 2 this they r still some more natural than we are in europe.
Natural= marriage, no cheating, no haram dating, just 1 on 1 relationships ( leaving out 4 now the polygamy)
After living here long time we close our eyes 2 the bad things happening around us.
we dont even recognize the girls who wear nearly nothing, The mums smoking and drinking while puching a bggy and all the other haram stuff around us which doesnt even gets dissapproved by our society anymore.
how i wish i could go back in time when our morals where more clean and the social life was keeping u away from sins.
New start
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