
Monday, May 31, 2010

Soon ill be a mum :)

Now its just 13 days left if the baby comes on time :)
13 days is less than 2 weeks, i cant believe time went by so fast
The baby could come now at any time, what a scary thought :S
But inshallah he wont come before the 13.6
Still we are not 100% sure of the name and we still have to get a baby bed :S
Im getting really curious about the hospital and i hope we can go to check it this week.
I have never been in a hospital here in egypt and my impression of them isnt very good.
I heard a lot of bad storys,but i after all egyptian woman get their babys there, so why shouldnt i?
Alhamdulillah i have a good doctor who i trust :)
Now ill have to make some exercise in the last 2 weeks. I have to admit i have been a bit lazy about this til now :S
But my mum told me if i make exercise the birth will be much easier for me, so inshallah i will try this.
I wish i could go swimming but i guess ill have to stick with walking and some simple yoga.
I dont really have any other ideas of which exercise to do.

The cat ( still nameless :) already got really used to stay with us and is really a source of joy

Sunday, May 30, 2010

A little creature in the house :)

No its not the baby :D
Hes still where he should be and inshallah he wont be born before the due date ( 13.6)

But since last night we have a little kitten in the house :)
She was staying at the street in front of the house for long time, crying from hunger.
So after some time we took her in the house and fed her.
Shes very active and naughty :)
All day long shes haunting whatever comes her way ( carpet, my bag, hijabs,..)
I planned to buy a sherazi cat after having the baby but i guess we gonna keep this one.
After all i cant throw her out on the street, shes too young to take care of herself.
I guess shes about 3 or 4 weeks old, after all shes very tiny.
Now i just need to choose a name for her :)
Maybe ill call her tiny bcz of her size

This is her

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A few Blogs i love

These days are just hot here in Egypt. The temperature suddenly raised above 40C (105F).
So since we got no Ac in our Flat we went to my in-laws villa where we have a flat with AC. Unfortunatly thats all that is in the Flat ( no Fridge, kitchen, closet,..)
But we can use the kitchen and fridge down in the Flat of my in laws or in the Flat next to us which belongs to my brother in law :)
Still i miss my kitchen as i found a lot of nice recipes that i wanna try and i cant do that here.

Anyway, my Life is pretty boring these days:)
Bcz of the heat i stay inside the flat all day long and cant do much :)
So im gonna present u some BLogs that i follow and which are my favourites.

I gotta start with a Book Blog
Its called the Jacaranda Secret and its from Angela O'Brien.
I really enjoy reading the chapters of the book and i always wait for the next one :)

A Blog i just found 2day is about cooking :)
It has some really delicious recipes which i will definetly try soon.

This one is really nice to read too.
I love the way the sister is writing and always making me smile :)

I love this Blog, especially the last post i support 100%.
I love it bcz i can see myself in the posts.

There are many more that i like and follow, but it would take too long to mention them all here right now :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Some pics of Obour

I just went to take a walk
* Its sooo hot outside when u wear hijab and abaya :)*

I made some nice pics of the landscape behind our house.

Exactly 6 weeks..

Now its only 6 weeks until i will be a mom
Thinking of this really scares me somehow :S
6 weeks is definetly not a long time anymore and im not ready. We still need to buy several necesarry things for the baby.
Aaaannnnd theres another problem *offff*
The dcotor to who iam always going is kinda far away from here.
We drive about 1,5 hours to him throught the cairo traffic.
So now he told us he wont come to us when im giving birth, i should come to him :S
So he thinks i will stay in a car for 1,5 hours while im in huge pain?
And what if we stuck in the traffic, ill get the baby in a car? :S

Now i have 3 possibilitys what i can do:

1. I will change the doctor and give birth in the hospital which is 2 min away from our house. I know they are not as good as my current doctor but we wil check on them to see if they are acceptable.

2. I move to our old flat which is in the familys villa.
Problem: The flat is empty ( no bed, no fridge, no nothing :S)

3. We move to a flat that belongs to my Family in law. Its in downtown and about 5 min away from my doctor. Sounds good but...
I dont feel comfortable to stay there cause i cant use the kitchen (2 dirty sorry)
And i use the bathroom only when its really necessary, so i wont be able to take showers a lot :S
I really dont wanna stay there cause i wont be able to clean and after all i wont be able to even make a coffee in the kitchen in the morning :(

I guess i will have to change the doctor, so i can at least stay in my own flat and after giving birth we wont habe to take a long way to be back home.
I just hope the hospital is good and the doctor here is trustable.
Still iam sad that i cant have my doctor there with me bcz hes really great and i trust him ( i dont trust a lot of doctors)
(if anyone want his number, just contact me :)

Inshallah there will be a good solution for us soon
This psychological stress just isnt good for me ( and there are more things that stress me) :S

Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Mouse in the House

Some days ago when i wnt in the kitchen and turned on the light i saw something small n black running from underneath the table to the stove.
My first thought was its a roach but when i showed my husband how big it was he was sure its a mouse ( or rat :S)
Thats absolutly the last thing i need, a rat in my house.

But it turned out to be helpfull for me in some way :D
I begged my husband to buy a cat since long time and now that we have/had a mouse he said that we gonna buy a cat soon.
I hope he wont change his mind again about this. It would be great to have a pet in the house, i asked for that since the day that we married.
Cats are my favourite animals and i tryd to get my husband to buy one for so long, but he always said we should buy it after the baby is born.
Now inshallah we gonna buy one soon as a cat is tsill more acceptable for him than a mouse :)